Introducing The Words Around Us

On creating a new author newsletter and what I want this place to be

Introducing The Words Around Us

What do you do if you're an author who wants to connect with readers and with fellow writers, and yet the social media landscape splits your head open, overwhelms you, and sends you running? What if you have a new book coming out, so you should probably emerge from your cave and talk about it? What if you can't wait to share about it, actually, and talk about writing craft and so much more?

Might it be possible to build something here, in this quiet corner of the internet, and invite people to connect with you?

Let's try to find out.

What you see here is a new beginning. The Words Around Us is my official new author newsletter, seeded from all of what came before, but also taking on a new form, a new name, and filled with some new ideas. I also now have a new host: the independent and open-source Ghost, which I swear I chose for a number of respectable reasons and not just due to the delightful name. đź‘»

The Words Around Us can be found at, and you can subscribe to get posts delivered to your inbox.

I'll be using this newsletter to share updates about my next novel—which is forthcoming in 2025! But I feel prickly whenever I have to promote myself, and this newsletter is about more than just one book.

I'll be using this space to talk about writing process, craft revelations, inspirations, and struggles (oh, were there struggles). I'll share about the writing life and some inside looks at the publishing industry. This newsletter is a way to get back to what I first loved about being online: writing about writing in an honest and open way. I'd like to return to sharing my process and my pains and my publishing news for those who may be interested, and for those who may be facing some of the same things, and I'd like to do it in a place that's mine and mine alone.

Every month, there will be a free post for subscribers. Subscribers will also have access to exclusive giveaways. (I'll soon be giving away a copy of a recent horror anthology I was in—and one day soon a signed advance reading copy of my new novel.)

There will also be premium content!

Supporter memberships will have my gratitude, plus access to everything free subscribers see as well as the occasional personal post I'd like to keep locked to the public.

Starting in September 2024, Writer memberships offer more premium content, including everything Supporter memberships can see as well as craft-focused posts about writing and a monthly writing prompt. I'll be sharing my process as I explore my new work through these posts. I'll have more signed book giveaways. And depending on future interest, I have an idea for a seasonal prompt-writing live Zoom session... We'll see!

Check out subscription options here.

No matter what, there will always be a free monthly post with creative musings and books news to share.

Please be advised: Before my first free post goes out, I'll be importing a number of subscribers from some of my previous mailing lists. If you subscribed to one of my old newsletters and want to be sure I don't miss you, be sure to subscribe here now! You won't be added twice. (And of course, if you'd prefer I leave your inbox alone, just unsubscribe at any time.)

Taking inspiration from the title of one of my books, this new newsletter The Words Around Us speaks to all of what goes in to writing a novel and how to make sense of what can sometimes feel so senseless. Sometimes the words are hard to find, and sometimes they are right there at your fingertips.

Next year it will be ten years since my novel The Walls Around Us was published, a book that changed me and my career. I've shared in my archives the story of how that book got me unstuck at that time, and I have to tell you: It was quite an ironic thing to reread that post in this present moment, knowing the struggles and doubt spirals still to come with future books. I'm sure I'll talk about that here!

My first monthly post for subscribers (always free!) is coming soon. I hope you'll consider subscribing and joining me as I sift and wander and spin through the dizzying array of words all around me.